Should I Quit Alcohol as well as Sugar?

Alcohol Alcohol and sugar help people cope during stressful times and yesterday I posted ten tips to combat stress.  None of those ten tips was mention alcohol.  Neither were caffeine or cigarettes, both of which are convenient props to help people stay sane. We know that smoking is not good…

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Ten Tips to Combat Stress

Stress?  What’s someone who helps people reduce insulin resistance doing talking about stress for?  I thought that you were all about reducing blood sugar levels Andrea. Well yes.  That’s true.  However you might not know that stress is one of the things that contributes to insulin resistance.  It’s not just…

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International Day of Education

Educate the importance of eating real food and getting outside

The International Day of Education is held every year on January 24th but, because this year it falls on a Sunday, will be celebrated tomorrow. The International Day of Education Its title this year is “Recover and Revitalise Education for the Covid-19 Generation”.  Great thinking.  It is aiming at children…

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